Franco’s Ices

Franco’s Ices

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We were so pleased when we began working with Franco’s Ices as each design is a joy to produce!!

Franco’s Ices (est. 1964), a true family run business that manufacture and distribute nationally their widely loved brand of ice creams and ice lollies.

Each design is carefully researched and the old brain cells get to work coming up with new, fresh ideas that will reflect the product and appeal to the target market. Using our creative flair we have produced boxes and individual wrapper designs for both new and existing products.

Magazine adverts have also been created to promote a variety of products and our latest project is the new website design http://www.francos-ices.co.uk

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Ringwood Hall Hotel

Ringwood Hall Hotel

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The Beautiful Grade II listed building set amongst stunning grounds provides an amazing focal point throughout our designs for this amazing hotel! We have worked closely with Ringwood Hall for numerous years producing their wedding literature, Christmas and events brochures along with their corporate e-brochure, menu’s, banners, stationery, labels and adverts.

As the hotel has changed over the years their style and brand has grown with it. Recently the wedding brochure was adapted to be image focused with full page displays. Captions are subtly placed to work around the imagery, emphasising the warmth and atmosphere this stunning hotel offers.

Christmas is a magical time at Ringwood Hall and their new style of Christmas brochure portrays just that, a fun yet informative brochure so information is there on hand to business looking for somewhere to host their annual party and individuals looking for a treat or an escape!

Ringwood Hall Hotel - Folder
Ringwood Hall Hotel - Chutney
Ringwood Hall Hotel - Ipad
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